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9.0 推荐

分类: 恐怖片 1999

导演: 广濑贵士


  Constantly on the hunt and suffering from hallucinations that drive his violent nature, an unnamed man is capturing women and savagely beating them to death. Meanwhile, a woman is luring men into a violent end, by way of her knife. Driven by the same force to make the opposite sex suffer, the killers’ fates intertwine. The two must face off in a battle to the death, in which they are forced to reveal the horrible truth behind their addiction to murder.
  “Brutal” takes an interesting approach to its visuals, drawing heavy influence from Western “Grindhouse” films, using a filter to make the footage appear grainy, damaged, and with light and color fluctuations. Unfortunately, the visual styling ends up feeling misguided, as other than applying the filter it does not imitate any other aspects of the “Grindhouse” genre. Despite trying to dirty up the film, it is apparent it was shot on digital. The cinematography is also a step above most “Grindhouse” productions, with Takashi Hirose proving he has talent behind the camera. Exterior shots to those taking place in small spaces are all competently framed, lit, and transition well. The decision to add an effect on top of the work hurts the film’s imagery and even gives a sense of desperation to try to capture a certain type of nostalgia with the audience, instead of relying on its own strengths. It is unfortunate when one creative choice can hurt a production so much.
  The story of “Brutal” is simple but effective, it does attempt some sort of social commentary about the violent nature of men and women, but it does not offer enough depth into the subject to justify the amount of violence on display. The film does end on a strong note with an interesting twist, with a reveal that is bound to gross some out, while giving others a chuckle. In spite of its simple nature, those who enjoy films that make them somewhat uncomfortable and enjoy the challenge of getting through some ultra-violence, “Brutal” poses a fun and entertaining challenge in that regard.


  • 月蕾 8小时前 :


  • 牧鸿彩 3小时前 :


  • 郎白亦 7小时前 :


  • 止哲彦 6小时前 :


  • 邦安 2小时前 :

    个人观感:阿方索·卡隆《罗马 Roma》>肯尼思·布拉纳《贝尔法斯特 Belfast》。—— 尽管影片的故事不够吸引我,但摄影、剪辑、表演、声效、配乐等制作方面倒是让我觉得挺不错的。

  • 骏凡 7小时前 :

    m21304:边界一直存在(派别互害)。家庭与周遭给与小巴迪的品质,让他不会像被涂污的鸟般成长。多处拷问:你想要什么? 很多人逃离,很多人留下,很多人迷失,地球依旧在旋转。

  • 芙颖 1小时前 :


  • 珊洲 8小时前 :


  • 曼华 8小时前 :


  • 祁宝生 4小时前 :

    片尾曲、几首插曲都非常好听。全新登场角色,全新豪华总部,更炸裂的科技,更新型的装备,异彩纷呈。影片高潮处甚至变成了气象灾难巨制,超震撼!英雄也会害怕,但就是因为尽管害怕也会勇往直前,所以是英雄!I love Paw Patrol!!

  • 脱流逸 2小时前 :


  • 欣星 3小时前 :


  • 终祺福 1小时前 :


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