统计的乐趣观看 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 记录片 2018

导演: Catherine Gale


  A witty, exhilarating and mind-expanding exploration of the word of our times - data - with mathematician Dr Hannah Fry. Following in the footsteps of BBC Four's previous gleefully nerdy, award-winning maths films The Joy of Stats, Tails you Win - The Science of Chance and The Joy of Logic, this new high-tech romp reveals exactly what data is and how it is captured, stored, shared and made sense of. Fry also tells the story of the engineers of the data age, people most of us have never heard of despite the fact they brought about a technological and philosophical revolution.
  For Hannah Fry, the joy of data is all about spotting patterns. She's Lecturer in the Mathematics of Cities at UCL as well as being the presenter of the BBC series Trainspotting Live and City in the Sky, and she sees data as the essential bridge between two universes - the tangible, noisy, messy world that we see and experience, and the clean, ordered, elegant world of maths, where everything can be captured beautifully with equations.
  Along the way the film reveals the connection between Scrabble scores and online movie streaming, explains why a herd of Wiltshire dairy cows are wearing pedometers, and uncovers the remarkable network map of Wikipedia. What's the mystery link between 'marmalade' and 'One Direction'?
  The Joy of Data also hails the giant contribution of Claude Shannon, the American mathematician and electrical engineer who, in an attempt to solve the problem of noisy telephone lines, devised a way to digitise all information. It was Shannon, father of the 'bit', who singlehandedly launched the 'information age'. Meanwhile, the green lawns of Britain's National Physical Laboratory host a race between its young apprentices in order to demonstrate how and why data moves quickly and successfully around modern data networks. It's all thanks to the brilliant technique first invented there in the 1960s by Welshman Donald Davies - packet switching - without which there would be no internet as we know it.
  But what of the future, big data and artificial intelligence? Should we be worried by the pace of change, and what our own data could and should be used for? Ultimately, Fry concludes, data has empowered all of us. We must have machines at our side if we're to find patterns in the modern-day data deluge. But, Fry believes, regardless of AI and machine learning, it will always take us to find the meaning in them.


  • 宦夏青 6小时前 :


  • 孟华辉 6小时前 :


  • 佼婷美 9小时前 :


  • 娄妞妞 7小时前 :


  • 务和怡 1小时前 :


  • 初萱 8小时前 :


  • 依白夏 7小时前 :


  • 戈北嘉 4小时前 :


  • 局君丽 2小时前 :


  • 墨兴腾 1小时前 :

    三位天使投资人故事,父亲理查德、教练里克、以及 Nike。Nike 很聪明地在赛前 300 万美元押宝,结果被拒。赛后增加至 1500 万美元才签约。在投资体育明星方面,Nike 真有一套。

  • 彩文 3小时前 :


  • 卫谷翠 9小时前 :

    剧情有点像看动画片,touched by it,说什么阶级跨越的可去你娘的吧

  • 圭煜祺 0小时前 :


  • 富察合美 0小时前 :


  • 易紫杉 5小时前 :


  • 斛天悦 7小时前 :

    such a Hollywood movie.black is true

  • 司徒春兰 5小时前 :


  • 婷栀 6小时前 :


  • 折融雪 8小时前 :

    作为非洪粉,甚至洪黑,三星都给敏后了。太逆天了,这真的是在拍电影吗?还是在秀恩爱?洪在摄影机后面和敏后互相表露爱意,为了敏后和她手中的花而将影像转为了彩色。像室外等所有高光区域全部过曝这种问题,是铁定的技术瑕疵啊,虽然我知道他也不care… 从电影节抢人的角度来看,那柏林是相当成功了,为自己争夺嫡系作者,从而建立稳固关系,按照近几年柏林这么疯狂的给奖,下一次还不得给洪金熊?另外洪的这种创作方式和制作模式在疫情的大环境之下确实体现出了优越性。

  • 慧雨 4小时前 :



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